Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Paper 1 Film Using Social Science Research

Paper 1 Film Using Social Science Research

Q Students will turn in three 4-6 page papers that explore an issue raised by the film using social science research. Your paper should 1) identify an issue discussed in the film of focus, 2) explain the film's portrayal of that issue, 3) compare and contrast the film's depiction of the issue with the reality of empirical research, and 4) make recommendations on how to fix the problem/issue based on empirical social science research.

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Introduction In this paper, there will be a detailed discussion of I Know What you did Last Summer (1997) and the social issues and problems associated with it. This particular movie is all about crime. I Know What you did Last Summer revolves around several accidents that led to the ultimate death of the characters. In this movie, the major social issue is the crime of murder and how the characters have broken the criminal justice system of America.